Friday, February 26, 2016

Fruit Loops

There was a party going on at the Annette Street Library Drop-In on Monday! They were celebrating Black History month with great tunes!

Leila got right into the groove.

The music being played was accompanied by a man from St. Kitts, playing a steel drum. So cool!

And then they ordered pizza for the whole group! Bonus!

Even Drew sat up at the table with everyone (with me as a spotter, of course).

The girls had fun dressing up afterwards.

Amadea had arrived at the daycare after I had packed the hats and mitts in the bag that day. I usually get them on in the lobby, so they don't get too hot. So it was in the lobby that I realized I hadn't added her hat to the bag. I was going to go back up and grab it, but she was happy to wear these bunny ears (which double as tights for Leila). Also, on the way home, she wanted to carry her Care Bear in her coat, like her mommy carries her baby brother. Is she not the sweetest thing? The next day, she did almost the same, but wanted her stuffed animal facing inward, which was exactly how mommy carries her brother.

We went to the school this week again. Drew discovered the mirror. He's wondering who that adorable baby is!

The girls created new menus this week. I asked them what they wanted to call their restaurants. Leila said, "Pizza". I said, "Pizza Restaurant? Pizza Palace?" She settled on Pizza Palace. Dea said she wanted to call her restaurant "Mommy". "Okay," I said. "Mommy's Restaurant it is!" She clarified: "But not other mommies. Just my mommy."

So, "My Mommy's" it was. Hey, it's original!

And here are the insides. We have yet to add the prices.

Leila made a beaded necklace with her name today. She had to find the right letters first.

After outside time, Amadea decided she wanted to make a necklace too, but out of Fruit Loops. And so, we did!

Modelling their new jewelry. :)

Daycare selfie time!

Drew has been walking 4-5 steps on his own! Often, he will hitch a ride on one of the girls. This is hilarious! Complete with crisis over the possibility that he might also steal Dea's new necklace. :)

And here he is hugging Leila. I think he's trying to sneak some Fruit Loops off her at the same time. He often will sit on Leila's lap. He's very comfortable with her. I think he thinks she works here. Sometimes I think she works here too! I LOVE these guys!!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hooray for Snow!

Well, the Valentine's party has come and gone, so now the streamers are fair game. Drew had fun shredding them. It's a great stress relief. ;)

We were thrilled to get more snow this week!

We brought our shovels out...

Made snow angels...

...and made a little snow house!

Just as Maryam loved "leaf blankets", she now loves snow pillows and blankets. She requested them on this day, and the other kids followed suit.

Maryam climbed this mountain, and told numerous people for days's huge for a little 2-year-old in a bulky snow suit!

We got some tobogganing in...

...and went snow swinging.

Another day we went to mail Noah's baseball registration form. I realized I would have a problem with only one letter to mail, and 3 bigger kids wanting to put it in the mail box. So, we made two pretend letters (using real stamps) for Dea and Maryam to mail, and Leila got the intended letter in. Maryam was confused after she put hers in. She wanted it back. She said, "Oh no! My letter!" Such a sweetie!

We played outside one of the buildings. It was cold, but there was no wind, which makes for pleasant outdoor time.

I kept Amadea up to cure her jet lag after her trip to Australia. Leila kept her company. They made collages.

When Maryam got up, I helped her with her collage. She put in her favourite things: Mickey Mouse and the gang!

She took Minnie for a ride this morning, which really impeded her ability to steer this bike. But having Minnie on that bike took priority - she delegated the steering to me. :)

Often, I look at Amadea and Leila, and am filled with such happiness over their friendship. I had a bestie in my early years - since infancy, actually - and I think of it as one of the best things that ever happened to me.

It is a real gift, to have a friend so close, like a sister, almost. (Maybe without the annoyances? lol) They start school together in the fall. I'm very excited for them. Kindergarten is a blast!

Peek-a-boo, Maryam!

The girls brought their babies to the playground today.

The real baby enjoyed crawling around.

I love the pic above, because he looks like he's plotting something. lol

We made faces on trees. Here's Leila and Dea showing their mad faces, to match the mad tree.

Here's the sad tree. (Sorry, don't mean to insult your intelligence. You could have figured that out. Commentary can be tough though!)

Leila hugged the sad tree after I made it. Maryam kept going back to the sad tree to give it hugs. Empathy mastered.

My helper made this snowman with the kids. I was impressed that she managed to scrounge up enough snow! Most of it is matted down. We need more snow!!! (Don't hate.)

Isn't he cute?!

See that Valentine's cookie Maryam is holding? She held that in her hand from the moment we went outside, until after we had gotten back. It must have been almost 2 hours! Amadea had commented, while outside, on the fact that Maryam wasn't eating it, so perhaps she could have it? But no, Maryam was saving it. She finally put it down when we were back in the apartment. Drew picked it up and started eating it. Maryam screamed out at the injustice. "Oh no! My cookie!" She listened to reason though. It was Drew's cookie now. Geez, ya gotta love these kids. They are hilarious!