Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekly Daycare Update

So, as you may have noticed with my last post, and you will notice with my posts to come, I am more about the pictures, less about the words. This is because I have less time to work on the blog, since I have a non-napper again: Thomas!

I love being able to spend time with a child doing "big kid things" that I can't do when the younger kids are present. It's just always great to have a new twist. So, Tom and I can play with toys that pose a choking hazard to the babies, we can play games, read longer stories, and play make-believe (his favourite). It gives him a little educational time, especially in preparation for school this September. It also gives him extra attention, which I believe he currently needs. (It can be hard to be the big kid at the daycare sometimes - the crying babies get more of my attention )  Thirdly, it helps us to bond and spend some quality time together before he's finished at the daycare, which will be mid-June. (Where the HECK does the time go?) I'm not worried about losing touch though. I believe lots of play dates are in the future!

So, after that wordy bit, I will zip it and get on with the pics, since I think parents like to see what their kids have been up to, even if I don't have time for the detailed play-by-play!

Maryam and Marcus are all about sitting on chairs. Oh, and check out Maryam's new 'do.

At Baird playground.

I know. They are ALWAYS EATING!!!

Thomas was sitting, talking in a slightly evil, or in the very least, mysterious voice, to Maryam. It seemed as if he believed she could perfectly understand, and follow along in his game. She stared at him for a while in bewilderment. I think she was flattered that he was playing with her. She eventually moved on though, much to Thomas's dismay.

Marcus made it clear that he wanted to sit with Amadea and Leila, on a little blue chair (we have a lot). Too cute!

Sprinkler! Nuff said.

This is Amadea's garden!

She proudly showed us where she was growing broccoli!

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