Friday, April 1, 2011

Beatles Inspired Toddler Love is Short-Lived

The kids are very much into the Beatles these days. Aidas and B. in particular can't get enough of them. The other day, we were listening to the CD, and the song "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" came on. I was cleaning up after snack, and I heard Maya's little voice say, "I wanna hold Miss Charla's hand!" I stopped cleaning to hold her hand and dance with her for a moment. Noah decided he wanted to hold hands with us too. (Noah seems to have a bit of a crush on Maya, as of late.) I told them that they should hold each other's hands so I could finish cleaning up. They were so adorable, so I took this video of them.

However, once the song was over, so was the romance. Maya still wanted to hold hands. Noah figured since the song was "all done" (as he puts it in the following video), there was no need to continue. So literal!

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