Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Noah is weaned!

Well, it's been about 2 weeks since I wrote the blog entry about my indecision (and thus my decision) not to wean Noah - yet. Little did I know, Noah would start the ball rolling to help me out. Last Friday morning he had what he calls "aboob". Friday night, he forgot to ask for it, and I neglected to remind him. When Saturday and Sunday passed without him asking, I figured it would be silly not to go with it....that is, wean him. There is one consistent time in particular that he demands (and I mean DEMANDS!) to breastfeed, and that is when the parents come to drop their kids off at the daycare. It is as if he needs to claim me as his mommy. So, I figured Monday morning would be the time when he would remember "aboob". He actually didn't remember until this (Tuesday) morning, but it was during the transfer of kids. It took me a little while to take his mind off it, but it was pretty painless. (A month ago, if I denied him this, he would have gone ballistic.) This just validated that it was indeed the right time. I was happy that it was Noah who 'let go', since Mother's guilt is the worst feeling. So there you go. Noah Charles, weaned at 21 months!

In other news, we were stuck inside for the entire day today because of the thunderstorms. I was a little bummed that the Early Literacy Centre potluck picnic would be impossible with such weather, but perhaps they will reschedule. The highlight of our day was a bath. They had fun splashing and playing with Noah's bath toys. I blew some bubbles, but M. didn't seem too keen on it, so I put them away. Here are a few pics of the 3 babes in the bath!
The boys are splashing in these 2 photos. M. is just kindly putting up with them!

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