Friday, June 17, 2016


We took a trip to No Frills this week to get both instant coffee and freezies; I know, an odd combination

The kids are always climbing and exploring as we walk.

Leila was scared to balance on the edge of the planter box alone, so Amadea, being a true friend, held her hand. <3

Who's growing from toddler to beautiful little girl way too fast?! Maryam is!

As she was walking beside me, she asked where we were going. I replied, "To the grocery store." She excaimed, "Ooooo, the grocery store?! I LOVE grocery stores!"

Guess who was let out to walk a little, under extremely tight supervision?

Yep, this little monster!

It's ALL about the conveyor belt. There was much anticipation about pushing the buttons for the conveyor belt before getting to the store, and when it came time, there was panic among these two. Amadea ran to push the button for the freezies, and Leila became very agitated. "Oh no! She's gonna push the button! But I - " Before I could even respond, the nice cashier told Leila to take the other conveyor belt. That's it Leila. Reel mommy's coffee in. ;)

The girls saw a cat in the window on the way home. :)

Here are some pics from a regular visit to Lithuania Park.

All of the kids are bananas about bubbles.

What a contrast in the photo below. Pretty little princess in a mud puddle.

Drew's two favourite words are "daddy" (that one's been a fave for a few months) and "Noah". Noah is becoming quite fond of Drew. Noah's now at an age where he can really appreciate how adorable babies are. In the photo below, Drew chats with Noah while Noah eats his breakfast. A great start to the day for both!

Again, every day is a bubble party.

Dea loves going through our hair accessories bag, and decorating in her own creative way.

Look at this angel who passed out on the way to the park today. Oh my gosh. He is sweet. I have really grown close to this guy in such a short while. Words can't even express...

And this photo was taken after Maryam grabbed Leila's rice cake, breaking it. See the mischievous smile? She was in that sort of mood this morning. Very playful, even if her peers didn't always appreciate it.

Have a great weekend all! And Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Here's our daycare choir singing "Twinkle Twinkle." I hope you enjoy it. :)

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