Monday, October 18, 2010

Clean Up Song

(I think this is originally from "Barney", but they use it at most drop-ins we go to.)

Clean up
Clean up
Everybody Everywhere
Clean up
Clean up
Everybody do your share


  1. A few months back i found another clean up song but i dont know who sings goes

    clean it up....clean it up
    you can make it fun to do
    and your frends can help you too
    clean it up...clean it up
    and put it away ...put it away
    put your things away...

    another favorite is pee pee on the potty...the kids cant get enough of that song

  2. Thanks so much for your ideas! It's great to have something new, as I may self-destruct after singing the same clean-up song for the millionth time!What is the tune to your clean-up song? What is the pee pee on the potty song? We are just beginning to tackle that!

  3. pee pee in the potty
    pee pee in the potty
    its starts from milk from mommy
    and then you make a pee pee
    pee pee in the potty

    maybe you can google them. i really dont know who sings them
