Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall Fun!

It was, as usual, a busy week at the home daycare. Earlier in the week we visited Lithuania Park. This picnic table on the playground now signifies snack time for Noah. The kids enjoyed their graham crackers and water in their little clubhouse. We had brought some toys to the playground, and enjoyed rolling the trucks and balls down the slide. Then, some of our friends from the drop-in centres arrived at the park and joined us in the fun.
We tried a little colour sorting this week. Aidas and Noah liked looking at and talking about the vehicles, while M. and L. enjoyed filling various containers with the vehicles. 
We also practised gluing foam letters, dinosaurs and feathers to paper. It was a successful, yet short-lived activity. They are still determined to take the objects back off the paper, once they have glued them. I presume they are experimenting with the quality of the glue. Clever little scientists!
Later on, M. did some cleaning up around the apartment, while Aidas kicked it old school.
The latter part of the week was gorgeous, weather-wise. We enjoyed one glorious, windy afternoon at Vine Parkette (the Choo Choo Playground). 
Did anyone else's mom make them ghetto plastic bag kites when they were growing up? My mom did! Sure, we went flying regular kites too when I was young, but I can still remember running down my street holding a string tied to a plastic bag, and having a lot of fun! Noah and Aidas really enjoyed them too. M. and L......not so much.
They were much more interested in testing out all the ride-on toys!
Aidas found a hockey stick and creatively improvised with the 'puck'.
The kids had another lesson in turn-taking for the 2 baby swings available at the park. We topped off the outing with yogurt bars in the wagon, on the way home.
Every day, when we return from an outing, the kids watch and wait while I check the mailbox. I always say that the mailman brought them some mail, and give them parts of fliers to peruse. On this day, there were no fliers in the mailbox, so I told them there was no mail for them. Noah was not pleased with this, and demanded mail all the way up the elevator. Luckily, there was a packet of fliers hanging on the door. Noah was pleased to know that the mailman had delivered his mail after all, right to the door.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Fall weather is the best just makes you want to be outside.

  2. Next week I hope we can jump in piles of leaves! This is where my job gets really fun!
